Most of my friends have moved from other places to live in nyc. When I am out with friends and i run into my family, teachers, old friends, it’s always really cool. Harlem is my birthplace, and even though sometimes it wears me out… I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Recently i woke up got on my bike and rode by some places that mean a lot to me. There really is no place like it. The Music /The dancing /The food/ The diversity/ The loud conversations/ The architecture/ The Hustling/ The Fabulousness/ The Ratchetness/ The truth/ The fighting/ but most importantly the LOve.
There is so much love and support that many never seem to talk about. Even through rough times when I went back home, there was always people helping each other and supporting me every step of the way. I remember when people weren’t making end’s meet, sending over food to each other’s apt. I saw so much love and laughter amongst the chaos. The elders would call me over and say “I see you trying to do right…..Don’t you ever stop!”
Harlem is one of those places that no matter where you go….when you return….The culture smacks you in the face and says “welcome home!!” : ) One of the best things for me about Harlem was that it’s located right on the island of ManHattan where pretty much everything artistic takes place in ny. It’s really crazy to watch it change..but it’s also amazing to see that some things at it’s core can never be changed. I love me some HARLEM.
My elementary school P.S. 144
From Pre-k to 2nd grade I also went to P.S. 185 where my reading teacher Ms. Joanie Davis (R.I.P.) discovered i could read two years above my grade level and pushed my mother to send me to Ps. 144 which was then a Computer School.
The BasketBall court at King Towers Projects (That’s the building i grew up in)
My Birthplace